
We are glad to acquaint you with activity and technical possibilities of joint-stock company «Toytepa metal qurilmalari».

The joint-stock company «Toytepa metal qurilmalari» is the largest specialised factory in Uzbekistan on manufacturing of building metal designs. It is based in 1964 and in a place with twenty Russian factories металлоконструкций was a part «Soyuzstalkonstruksiya» the building ministries the USSR. Capacity of factory makes 12-15 thousand tons metal designs in a year. Our production was delivered on the major buildings and not only Uzbekistan, but also in union republics: to Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and also to Russia. For the 52-flight period of work we get enormous experience on manufacturing various металлоконструкций, including

  • Columns with continuous walls, trellised, any section and the size;
  • Farms angular typical or individual;
  • Farms from two-Tauris with wide regiments;
  • Farms from pipes;
  • Beams and crossbars in height to 3м, length to 18м;
  • Communications trellised and single;
  • fahverki, etc.

The nomenclature of production let out by factory includes a skeleton of industrial and public buildings and constructions, sports and trading complexes, aerials of a mast, support lines of electric transfers, gas pipelines and taps, flying structures of railway bridge transitions, etc.

The aggregate number of workers of factory makes more than 350-400 persons. At joint-stock company «Toytepa metal qurilmalari» has the educational point preparing workers by the basic industrial trades. Pride of factory is highly skilled and skilled experts with the experience of work more than 30 years, including thanks to which for last years farms by flight of 100 metres for assembly cases of the Tashkent aviation factory and the Fergana mechanical factory have been made, metal designs for covered stadium in Junusabadsky area of of Tashkent, covered sports arenas of Chirchik, Andizhan, Nukus. With application металлоконструкций our factory in Tashkent buildings of the Palace of forums РУз, Senate Oly Mazhlisa Ruz, hotel "Chorsu", high-rise houses under the Uzbekistansky prospectus, Children's home of creativity, the State circus, the Fashion house and many other things have been constructed.

All departments of joint-stock company «Toytepa metal qurilmalari» are equipped by computers, including a technological bureau available at factory and the design department, developing drawings at stage КМД with system "AUTOCAD".

The factory is equipped by all necessary the equipment for metal processing. In particular, are available a line with numerical programmed control (ЧПУ) on processing beams and company "Kawasaki" channels, the device for it is sharp metal by means of natural gas cars for dissolution of metal sheets, the device for it is sharp metal by means of natural gas «Crystal« with programmed control for are sharp details of difficult configurations, and also other equipment, allowing to make editing of a sheet steel, drilling, to straighten the ends edges and end faces, mechanical is sharp, is flexible, rolling, etc. In sboro-svarochnyh shops welding metal designs under a layer of a gumboil and semi-automatic in the environment of carbonic gas is made by automatic way. Modern сварочные company semiautomatic devices «LINCOLN ELECTRIC» provide high quality of welded seams. In painting and loading shop metal designs are processed sand by way and are painted by a ground or other paint and varnish production.

Presence at and «Toytepa metal qurilmalari» railway access roads gives possibility to make joint-stock company shipment by the customer ready metal designs by rail.

The care of the workers is a basis for administration. In joint-stock company territory «Toytepa metal qurilmalari» are constructed a dining room on 700 persons, per capita on 500 persons, at factory there is a base of rest, the house of children's creativity and is sports - an improving complex. All it creates favorable conditions for qualitative and productive work workers.

We are ready to mutually advantageous cooperation, we guarantee high quality of our production and unconditional performance of treaty obligations.

We bring to your attention level of the current prices applied on building metal designs, made on our enterprise. The nomenclature of steel designs is rather various, in this connection manufacture of m/designs has mainly individual character, and on occasion the small-scale. Capacity of factory - 12000-15000 tons a year. Basically the factory works with metabreakage of customers rolling.

At our factory make metal designs under drawings of design department. These are columns, farms, overlapping and covering beams, подкрановые beams, frames, communications, pipes for, flying structures of bridges, lattices, ladders, a flooring and many other things.

The prices for metal designs are specified in the appendix in Russian

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May, 9th — Day of memory and honors is celebrated in Uzbekistan, as a national holiday.
Nowruz plays a significant role in strengthening ties among peoples on the basis of mutual respect and the ideals of peace and good-neighbourliness.
On June, 01st the children's holiday devoted to the International day of protection of children has been had. Representatives of the state bodies have taken part in a holiday.
Сообщение  о проведении годового общего собрания акционеров  Акционерного общества «TO’YTEPA METAL QURILMALARI»   АО «TO’YTEPAMETALQURILMALARI» сообщает о проведении годового общего ...


  • Email info@toytepa.uz
  • Phone +99895 177-60-81
  • Address 111519, Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent area, Urtachirchik area, settlement Yangihayot


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