Office hours

Time of reception of references

Post   First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name Days  Time 
The chairman of Board  Abduraxmanov Abdujalil Turgunovich  Monday, Wednesday  15-00
 The vice-president of Board on manufacture Safiullin Shamil Gabbasovich    Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 08-00
The vice-president of Board on the general questions Irmatov Ulugbek Salohiddinovich   Tuesday, Thursday, Friday  13-00
The personnel manager Rahmatullayev Anvar Abdusattarovich   Daily 08-00

The note: the days off Saturday, Sunday.

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May, 9th — Day of memory and honors is celebrated in Uzbekistan, as a national holiday.
Nowruz plays a significant role in strengthening ties among peoples on the basis of mutual respect and the ideals of peace and good-neighbourliness.
On June, 01st the children's holiday devoted to the International day of protection of children has been had. Representatives of the state bodies have taken part in a holiday.
Сообщение  о проведении годового общего собрания акционеров  Акционерного общества «TO’YTEPA METAL QURILMALARI»   АО «TO’YTEPAMETALQURILMALARI» сообщает о проведении годового общего ...


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  • Phone +99895 177-60-81
  • Address 111519, Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent area, Urtachirchik area, settlement Yangihayot


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