
In sphere of manufacturing of metal designs our partners are the basic large building enterprises of Uzbekistan, in particular, company "Trest-12", company "Neftgazmontaj", company "OTMK", company “Tosh IES qurilish”, company “Angren IES qurilish” and other building organisations.

In a current of 2013-2014 our enterprise has made more than 4500 tons of metal designs by request of the foreign companies «Samsung enginering co. Ltd» and «Еnter Engineering Pte. Ltd»

For today our enterprise has begun manufacture of metal designs in volume 850 ton for object “Kandim” by request «Hundai Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd».

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May, 9th — Day of memory and honors is celebrated in Uzbekistan, as a national holiday.
Nowruz plays a significant role in strengthening ties among peoples on the basis of mutual respect and the ideals of peace and good-neighbourliness.
On June, 01st the children's holiday devoted to the International day of protection of children has been had. Representatives of the state bodies have taken part in a holiday.
Сообщение  о проведении годового общего собрания акционеров  Акционерного общества «TO’YTEPA METAL QURILMALARI»   АО «TO’YTEPAMETALQURILMALARI» сообщает о проведении годового общего ...


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  • Phone +99895 177-60-81
  • Address 111519, Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent area, Urtachirchik area, settlement Yangihayot


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